Hi Faith,
I want to be so cute and goofy with this letter but I don't know how to.😂 Regardless, I'm sure you’ll know this letter is coming from a place of love. I mean you're me and I'm you. To start with, I want you to know that you're strong and you're a survivor. Life is going to get pretty rough soon but you survived. It’s going to get a lot harder before it gets better, but you are stronger than you can ever imagine. You don’t know it yet, but you will grow up to be the very person you need in your life right now. I want to let you know that this period is not going to be the highlight of your life. Days that are better by far are still coming.
I want you to know that your fears will come to pass and many of the friends you have today will not be around and the one that will stick with you the closest is someone you won't even expect and amazing people are still coming your way. So stop spending most of your school life trying so hard to fit in. Do what you enjoy, not what you think you’re supposed to enjoy. Live at your own pace and don't please your friends at your own expense. Anyone that's your friend should not make you feel bad about yourself. I want to you to not set yourself on fire while keeping others warm. You'll understand why this is so important very soon.
Faithoo, none of the stuff that’s bothering you right now will matter in a couple of years’ time.😂😂 You won't even be talking to him anymore. Try not to be rigid in your expectations on your future cause God's plan are greater than what you can imagine and medicine is hard.😂 Take this advice from someone that knows.🌚 Stop trying to imagine the future, just enjoy being 13.
I know in this moment you think you’re stuck here permanently, but I can’t wait for you to see what’s in store and watch you manifest everything that you’ve wanted. Stay excited about things – it’s infectious and people feed off your positivity. You have so muchhh potential, just stop being lazy. Only God is greater than you, bae. Don't stop writing, it's your superpower and I want you to know that reading is cool!
You are loved by God, my love. Oh, He loves you so much. I don't think you'll really understand it now, not until later but I hope you do now. God is the most important piece of your life. I want you to know that you're not too young to pray. Pray ‘cause in a few years, your life is going to depend on God and those prayers. You're loved at home, guy! You're surrounded by so much love, I want you to see it and I hope you will see it.
Lastly, go hug mom, and tell her you love her a lot. Listen to her and do everything she tells you, you’ll understand why soon. If you want something, just ask. If you don't like something, just talk, your silence will not help you.
Faith, I love you a lot, I won't be who I am today without you.❤️ You're so strong and you're not worthless.We're 20 now and when you get here, you're in for a bug surprise. I'm in a better place and I can't wait for you to get here. Byee for now!😚
One of the issues I really had at 13, that I still seriously have now, is constantly reminiscing/putting myself back into old events. Whether they were good or bad, I mentally took myself there and, more often than not, it made me really upset. This is still something I do today, I mean I still take myself back to August last year when I lost someone dear to me. I can't count the number of times I’ve relived that moment.😂 I wish I could’ve realized earlier on that I did it because knowing and realizing that I’m doing it encourages me to stop and come back to the present. Living in the past and reminding yourself of the good things that aren’t yours anymore, or the bad things that happened that still make you upset isn’t beneficial in any way. I think that realizing that it’s over, you survived, and you’re still going is something remarkable.You can’t go back in the past and relive a moment, you can’t change what happened but you can reform those ideas into something that’s ultimately going to make you better and happier. Sadness is a comforting emotion that we sink into when we don’t know what to do, but it doesn’t make anything better. In fact, it does the opposite and pulls you down and you allow yourself to keep reminding yourself of these moments. Move forward, learn from your mistakes and keep going.
Hi guys, I really hope you found peace and love while reading this letter. How was your week? I had an amazing week, you guys! It wasn't even stress-free but it was beautiful. I had sweet moments and I think the most beautiful part of life is humanity. People can be annoying, I know, but they add so much beauty to life when you think about it.
I had so many nostalgic moments this week. I had some conversations with my friends and they made me think back to when I was 13. I think I was in SS1 and for a while, it felt like that was going to be the best moment of my life. That feeling lasted for a short while sha, cause confusion came in and I was just doing things for the sake of doing them. My emotions were everywhere and I was just trying to be like everyone else. It was a lot sha, but glory to Jesus for growth.
I hope next week brings us so much joy and peace. Thank you so much for reading! Till next week, my love, bye!💕
I’d write something like this soon🤭