to be loved is to be seen.
if you see me, you love me.
but, do i want to be seen?
do i want to be seen like this?
unraveling at the edges,
just like a worn out rag.
will you love me, even when every strand is gone?
my armor is one that cracks and fades,
laying bare the soul I have tried to conceal.
I hide behind these open walls,
baring the weight I have carried all alone
sitting tightly on my pandora's box.
I can't spread my dirty lining outside.
I'm scared that if you see,
you'll run.
for to be loved is to be seen,
and if you see me, will you still love me?
Chloe, to be vulnerable is to be: a raw nerve, exposed to the elements. it is to be a heartbeat, pulsing with uncertainty. vulnerability is not weakness; it's the courage to be human. to be vulnerable is to be alive, to be open, and to be free.
Chloe,let people see you, let God see you!❤️✨
thank you